SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Helsinki African Film Festival - HAFF 2015

6ème édition. Thème : "Africa Rising"
Helsinki African Film Festival - HAFF 2015
Genre : Festival | Helsinki

Du mardi 12 au dimanche 17 mai 2015

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

HAFF 2015 - Nouseva maanosa

Tervetuloa HAFFiin 12.-17.5.2015!

HAFF 2015 tuo toukokuussa Helsinkiin tuoreita ja laadukkaita elokuvia Afrikasta. Tänä vuonna festivaalin teemana on Africa Rising - Nouseva maanosa. Esittelemme elokuvia, jotka tarjoavat katsauksen mantereen pieniin ja isoihin vallankumouksiin ja näytämme intiimejä henkilökuvia nuorista ja vanhoista afrikkalaisista.

Media näyttää Afrikasta usein epätäydellisiä tarinoita. HAFF kutsuu jo kuudetta kertaa afrikkalaiset tekijät kertomaan itse omat tarinansa.

Lipunmyynti on alkanut! Osta lippusi: http://www.kinosheryl.fi/fi/ohjelmisto

Tutustu sivuillamme festivaalimme elokuviin ja aikatauluun: http://haff.fi/

Lämpimästi tervetuloa!


HAFF 2015 - Africa Rising

Welcome to HAFF 12.-17.5.2015!

We are delighted to welcome you to HAFF's sixth annual film festival. This year's theme, Africa Rising, presents films that offer an insightful look at the front lines of a quiet, and sometimes not so quiet revolution taking place in the African continent.

The films will paint intimate portraits of Africans, both young and old, in the search for social and economic justice. The films celebrate the resilience and determination of the human spirit to change the course of lives against all odds. We often hear and see incomplete stories from this part of the world, but in these films the African get to tell their own stories of what they have endured, accomplished and hope to achieve in the coming years.

Make sure you don't miss out on this; buy your tickets in advance!

Buy tickets! http://www.kinosheryl.fi/fi/ohjelmisto

Stories of Our Lives
Love the One You Love
Beats of the Antonov
Aya de Yopougon
The Narrow Frame of Midnight
Mother of the Unborn
Shortage of Children
Falling on Deaf Ears
Examen d'état (National Diploma)
Life is Waiting
African Tales - A Mini Series of Tanzanian Short Films

Wanjiku wa Ngugi / Festival Director
Mari-Anne Arpiainen / Festival Coordinator
Peter Kuria Githinji / HAFF Strategic Development and Networking
Amkelwa Kapanen / Programming Director
Elli Keränen / Volunteers


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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