SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

West Africa, as Seen From Its Barbershops

Andrew Esiebo, qui a documenté les salons de coiffure en Afrique de l'Ouest, fait partie d'une nouvelle génération de photographes africains qui racontent des histoires ancrées dans la vie quotidienne.
  • West Africa, as Seen From Its Barbershops
© Andrew Esiebo
Genre : Projets culturels
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Photo
Mois de Sortie : 2013
Publié le : 26/06/2013
Source : New York Times

That's why, while barbers may start off as strangers, they don't remain strangers for long. Often, they become long-term confidants with whom men share intimate details of their lives. The conversations may begin with sports, cars or politics, but they often end with personal revelations that customers would share with few others.

"The barbershop is an intimate space where people come to discuss what they cannot speak about in their homes or in public, including politics and even their lovers," said Andrew Esiebo, who has photographed scores of West African barbershops. "It's one of the few spaces where people from different walks of life, from different classes, mix." (...)

[Read James Estrin's full article and watch the gallery]


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