SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Publication: Giving to Help, Helping to Give

The Context and Politics of African Philanthropy. Tade Akin Aina & Bhekinkosi Moyo (Eds.)
  • Publication: <em>Giving to Help, Helping to Give</em>
Genre : Sortie de film, livre, album...
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Histoire/société
Mois de Sortie : 2013
Publié le : 13/09/2013
Source : Communiqué de presse
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In the past decade, the emerging narratives about philanthropy in Africa are about an increasingly confident and knowledgeable assertion of African capacities to give not only to help but also to transform and seek to address the root causes of injustice, want, ignorance and disease. The narratives are also about the questioning of the role and place of Africans in the world's philanthropic traditions and what constitutes African specificities but also African differences and varieties.

Giving to Help, Helping to Give deftly explores African philanthropic experiences, challenges and opportunities. It is about documenting, investigating, describing, analysing and reflecting on philanthropy in Africa. This groundbreaking
book rightly tackles the varied modes, forms, vehicles and means in which philanthropy is expressed in multifaceted Africa.

It is a pioneering and ambitious effort in a field and community of practice that is new both in terms of scholarship and in professional practice. Many of the chapters boldly engage the burden of reflections, questions, ambivalences and ambiguities that one often finds in an emerging field, innovatively positing the outlines, concepts, frameworks and theories of scholarship and practice for a field critical to development on the continent.


Tade Akin Aina - Mohammed A. Bakari - Bertha Chiroro - Kwaku Asante Darko - Marwa El Daly - Alan Fowler - Ibrahima Hathie - Jenny Hodgson - Andrew Kingman - Christa L. Kuljian - Halima Mahomed - Bhekinkosi Moyo - Robert Muponde - James Muzondidya - Connie Ngondi-Houghton - Kayode Samuel - Fondo Sikod - Mohamadou Sy - Gérard Tchouassi -
Susan Wilkinson-Maposa - Saïda Yahya-Othman

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Tade Akin Aina, currently the Program Director, Higher Education and Libraries in Africa for the Carnegie Corporation of New York, studied Sociology at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, and Sociology of Development at the London School of Economics, and holds a DPhil from the University of Sussex, UK. He served as Deputy Executive Secretary at CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal from 1993 to 1998, and worked with the Ford Foundation in the Nairobi office from 1998 to 2008. Tade Akin Aina has authored and co-edited more than ten books, monographs and numerous chapters in books, articles in journals and learned publications.

Bhekinkosi Moyo is Director of Programs at TrustAfrica, based in Dakar, Senegal. He holds a doctorate in political science from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. He previously worked at the Africa Institute of South Africa, Tswaranang Legal Advocacy Centre and at the Institute for Democracy in South Africa. He has written and published
extensively on governance, democratization and philanthropy in Africa.

Subjects: Non-Profit Organizations, Charities, Philanthropy, Development Economics

ISBN 978 2 35926 020 5, paperback, $39.95 - £24.95 - €30 - CFA15000

464 pages, Size: 234 x 153 mm - Amalion Publishing & TrustAfrica, July 2013.

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