SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sonia Chamkhi

  • Sonia Chamkhi
© DR
Film director, Writer, Teacher, Screenwriter, Dialogist, Membre of the features jury
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv, Literature, History/society

Sonia Chamkhi is doctor of letters (cinema, audiovisual, television). She teaches picture design and audiovisual practice in Institut supérieur des beaux arts de Tunis and in Ecole des Arts et du cinema (EDAC). She made several works (Cinéma tunisien nouveau, Parcous autres) ; she also wrote and was co-director of "Douze la porte du Sahara (Douz: The Door Of The Sahara)" and "Nesma wa Rih (Normal)". She partook in the adaptation of a great deal of feature films.


12 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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