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Mouloud Mammeri

  • Mouloud Mammeri
Writer, Anthropologist, University lecturer
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv, Literature

Mouloud Mammeri (in Amazigh: Mulud At Mɛemmeṛ), born December 28, 1917 in Taourirt Mimoun, in Kabylia (Algeria) and died on February 26, 1989 in a car accident in Aïn Defla in Algeria, is a writer, anthropologist, specialized linguist . from Berber. Language and culture (Amazigh). His most famous works are The Forgotten Hill (1952), The Sleep of the Just (1955) and Opium and the Stick (1965).


Mouloud Mammeri was born on December 28, 1917 in Taourirt Mimoune (Ath Yenni) in Haute Kabylie. He received his primary education in his native village. In 1928, he went to his uncle in Rabat (Morocco), where the latter was the tutor of Mohammed V. Four years later, he returned to Algiers and continued his studies at the Bugeaud high school (current Emir Abdelkader high school, in Bab - El-Oued, Algiers). He then attended the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris with the intention of entering the École Normale Supérieure. Mobilized in 1939 and released in October 1940, Mouloud Mammeri enrolled at the Faculty of Letters in Algiers. Remobilized in 1942 after the American landings, he participated in the campaigns of Italy, France and Germany.

At the end of the war, he prepared for a literature teacher competition in Paris and returned to Algeria in September 1947. He taught in Médéa, then in Ben Aknoun and published his first novel, La Colline Oubliée in 1952. Under pressure from events, he had to leave Algiers in 1957.

From 1957 to 1962, Mouloud Mammeri remained in Morocco and joined Algeria after its independence. From 1965 to 1972, he taught Berber at the university in the ethnology section, the chair of Berber having been abolished in 1962. He only gave courses in this language when he was authorized, leading courses on the basis of volunteering until 1973 while certain subjects such as ethnology and anthropology considered as colonial sciences had to disappear from university education. From 1969 to 1980 Mouloud Mammeri directed the Algiers Anthropological, Prehistoric and Ethnographic Research Center (CRAPE). He also briefly led the first national union of Algerian writers, which he abandoned due to disagreements over the role of the writer in society.

Mouloud Mammeri collected and published in 1969 the texts of the Kabyle poet Si Mohand. In 1980, it was the banning of one of his conferences in Tizi Ouzou on ancient Kabyle poetry which was at the origin of the events of the Berber Spring.

In 1982, he founded the Center for Amazigh Studies and Research (CERAM) and the magazine Awal (La parole) in Paris, also hosting a seminar on Amazigh language and literature in the form of complementary conferences within the School. . . higher studies in social sciences (EHESS). This long scientific journey has allowed him to gather a sum of fundamental elements on the Amazigh language and literature. In 1988 Mouloud Mammeri received the title of doctor honoris causa at the Sorbonne.

Mouloud Mammeri died on the evening of February 26, 1989 following a car accident near Aïn Defla, while returning from a conference in Oujda (Morocco).

On February 27, his remains were brought back to his home, rue Sfindja (formerly Laperlier) in Algiers. Mouloud Mammeri was buried the next day in Taourirt Mimoun. His funeral was spectacular: more than 200,000 people attended his burial.



• La Colline Oubliée, Paris, Plon, 1952, 2nd edition, Paris, Union Générale d'Éditions, S.N.E.D., col. 10/18, 1978 (ISBN 2264009071); Paris, Folio Gallimard, 1992 (ISBN 200384748).

• Le Sommeil Du Juste, Paris, Plon, 1952, 2nd edition, Paris, Union Générale d'Éditions, S.N.E.D., col. 10/18, 1978 (ISBN 2264009081).

• L'Opium Et Le Bâton, Paris, Plon, 1965, 2nd edition, Paris, Union Générale d'Éditions, S.N.E.D., col. 10/18, 1978 (ISBN 2264009063), Paris, La Découverte (ISBN 2707120863) and 1992 (ISBN 009491813).

• La Traversée, Paris, Plon, 1982, 2nd edition, Algiers, Bouchène, 1992.

News :

•"Ameur Des Arcades Et L'Ordre", Paris, 1953, Plon, "La table rond", n°72.

• "The Zebra", Épreuves, Paris, n° 76, June 1957, PP. 33-67.

• "La Meute", Europe, Paris, N°567-568, July-August 1976.

• "L'Hibiscus", Montreal, 1985, Dérives N°49, PP. 67-80.

• "Le Désert Atavisque", Paris, 1981, daily newspaper Le Monde of August 16, 1981.

* "Ténéré Atavisque", Paris, 1983, Revue Otherwise N°05.

* "Escales", Algiers, 1985, African Revolution; Paris, 1992, La Découverte (ISBN 270712043X).

Theater :

• "Le Foehn Ou La Preuve Par Neuf", Paris, PubliSud, 1982, 2nd edition, Paris, play performed in Algiers in 1967.

• "The Banquet", preceded by a file, the absurd death of the Aztecs, Paris, Librairie scolaire Perrin, 1973.

• "La Cité Du Soleil", released in three paintings, Algiers, 1987, Laphomic, M. Mammeri: Interview with Tahar Djaout, pp. 62-94.

Translation and literary criticism:

• "Les Isefra de Si Mohand ou M'hand", Berber text and translation, Paris, Maspero, 1969, 1978 (ISBN 046999278) and 1982 (ISBN 0052039X); Paris, La Découverte, 1987 (ISBN 001244140) and 1994 (ISBN 013383388).

• "Ancient Kabyle Poems", Berber and French texts, Paris, Maspero, 1980 (ISBN 2707111503); Paris, La Découverte, 2001 (ISBN 056360975).

• "L'Ahellil Du Gourara", Paris, M.S.H., 1984 (ISBN 273510107X).

• "Yenna-Yas Ccix Muhand", Algiers, Laphomic, 1989.

• "Machaho, Berber Tales From Kabylie", Paris, Bordas.

• "Tellem Chaho, Contes Berbères De Kabylie", Paris, Bordas, 1980.

Grammar and linguistics:

• "Tajerrumt N Tmazigt (tantala taqbaylit)", Paris, Maspero, 1976.

• "Précis De Grammaire Berbère", Paris, Awal, 1988 (ISBN 001443038).

• "French-Touareg Lexicon", in collaboration with J.M. Cortade, Paris, Graphic Arts and Crafts, 1967.

• "Amawal Tamazigt-Français et Français-Tamazigt", Imedyazen, Paris, 1980.

• "Awal", Berber study notebooks, under the direction of M. Mammeri, 1985-1989, Paris, Awal



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