SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Twenty Twenty Vision

Genre : Production, Associate production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Thanassis Karathanos, Producteur Schwedter Straße 13
10119 BERLIN
Tel. : +49 (0) 30 612 817 50
Fax : +49 (0) 30 612 817 51
Contact by email

Twenty Twenty Vision is a film production company based in Berlin, Germany. The CEO Thanassis Karathanos and shareholder Uta Ganschow formed the company in December 1998 a a vehicle for the production of feature film projects aimed at the national and international markets.

"Twenty Twenty Vision produces films relying on strong characters and universal story lines, dealing with international themes that call upon common values and explore the bridges between cultures in our highly mediated world. Dramas and comedies, complex plots or simple stories told with both sincerity and irony that us through the next decades toward 2020."
From the Official Site



13 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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