SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Namibie
Type : Documentary
Original title : Voyage, Voyage - La Namibie
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1998
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 43 (in minutes)

Traveling to Ovahimba country means going back to a time that no longer exists, but that nevertheless lights the way for the Africa of tomorrow. In the outlying districts of Opuwo, capital of Kaokoland, the filmmaker lives at the rythmn of the Ovahimbas. Here the papayas are ready to be tasted before they get ripe - he knows, he was there.

Director: Rina Sherman
Length: 43'
Country of origin: France
Year of production: 1998
Production: JBA Production / La Sept Arte
Original version: Otjiherero-Africaans
Version(s) available : Française
English subtitled

"In the Outskirts of Opuwo", the country of the Ovahimba and Ovaherero pastoral peoples. Impressions of a sojourn in this northern frontier town, a melting pot in its own right.
Video, 40 mn, 1999.
Production: JBA Productions for the series, VOYAGE, VOYAGE of LA SEPT ARTE, Arte VOD

April 1999, First Notes from the Field, National Gallery of Namibia.
Avril 2004, Cinéma et anthropologie filmique, Chroniques d'un autre regard, Cinémathèque française.


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

With the support of