SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Like the Others

  • Comme les autres (Kif Lokhrim)
Type : Fiction
Original title : Kif Loukhrin
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Short
Running time : 22 (in minutes)

Between an unrewarding job and the daily routine visit to the café for a water-pipe, "K" is eager to give up his condition of frustrated and introverted bachelor to seduce Chahra, the girl of his dreams.
Through a series of very particular Chinese massages, he manages to shape his personality according to the ever-changing and whimsical demands of his entourage.

Réalisateur/Director: Mohamed BEN ATTIA
Scénario/Screenplay: Mohamed Ben Attia
Images/Camera: Chekib Essafi
Son/Sound: Karim Guemira
Montage/Editing: Badji Chouka
Décors/Set design: Kais Rostom

Mounem Chouayet (or Abdelmonem Chouayet), Saousen Maaley (or Sawsen Maalej)

Durée/Length: 22' - Format: 35 mm - Couleur.

Produced by Nomadis Images, Tunisia


K è uno scapolo trentunenne annoiato dalla vita. Un lavoro monotono in ufficio e una fumatina al bar. Un sogno irraggiungibile: Ornella Muti, che contempla religiosamente nel silenzio della sua stanza. Un obiettivo concreto: Chahra, la donna della sua vita. Un giorno decide di abbandonare il suo stato di inedia permanente e di conquistare Chahra. Attraverso una serie di massaggi cinesi particolari, inizierà a modellarsi e ad assecondare il gusto degli altri.

Tunisia - 2006

Regia: Mohamed Ben Attia
Interpreti: Mounen Chouayet, Saousen Maaley
Durata: 22'


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  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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