SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ceuta, prison by the sea

  • Ceuta, douce prison
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title : Ceuta, Sweet Prison | Ceuta, dulce prisión [España]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

" Ceuta, prison by the sea " tells the paths of five migrants in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, Northern Morocco. They have left everything they had to try their luck into Europe only to find themselves locked up in an open sky prison, at the gates of Europe. They cope with both the hope of obtaining a pass and the fear of being deported to their countries.

In this film we mean to tell the story of migration, to tell about the invisible North-South frontier and about through other eyes, those of the migrants who are blocked at its doors and fantasize about a Europe they have never seen. For weeks, we walked in the steps of our characters to share and feel what their daily life, their doubts and hopes were, to understand the dream of Europe as perceived through their eyes, through strictly human stakes. Our point was to plunge the onlooker into this sweet prison, along with Iqbal, Marius, Simon and Nur, immerging him subjectively without ever stopping, with no voice-over or added commentary.

The film is supported by Amnesty International, Migreurop, the League for Human Rights, the European Association for Human Rights and le movement Utopia.

A documentary directed by Jonathan Millet, Loïc H. Rechi.

Duration: 90 min
Release date: 2012
Languages: Bassa / Somali / Hindi / Bamiléké / Arab / French / English / Spanich
Subtitles : English, French or Spanish ________ ES " Ceuta, dulce prisión " sigue las trayectorias de cinco migrantes en la enclave de Ceuta, al norte de Marruecos. Lo han dejado todo para encontrar una nueva vida en Europa, pero se encuentran encerrados en una carcel al aire libre, justo a la puerta del viejo continente. Entonces, se debaten entre la esperanza de obtener un "laissez-passer" y el temor de ser expulsado hacia su país. Con "Ceuta, dulce prisión ", hemos querido contar la migración, contar la impalpable frontera Norte-Sur, contar la enclave de Ceuta a través de otra mirada, la de esos migrantes que fantasean una Europea que nunca han visto, pero quedan bloqueados a la puerta de entrada. Durante varias semanas, hemos seguido nuestros personajes de manera muy cerca, para compartir y sentir lo que es su cotidiano, sus dudas y sus esperanzas. Para entender ese sueño de Europa, a traves de sus miradas, a traves de sentimientos puramente humanos. Hemos querido sumergir el espectador en esa dulce prisión al lado de Iqbal, Marius, Simon, Guy y Nür, sin tiempos muertos, sin retroceso, sin voz en off, ni comentario suplementario.

Un documental de Jonathan Millet y Loïc H. Rechi producido por Zaradoc Films

Summary for official catalogues

" Ceuta, prison by the sea " takes us into the daily life of five migrants in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, Northern Morocco. Their dream of Europe went wrong and they have found themselves locked up in an open sky prison, torn between the hope of getting a pass and the fear of being deported to their country.


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