SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Cairo 678 - فيلم 678 ‎

  • Femmes du bus 678 (Les)
© New Century Productions
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : 678 | Six, seven, Eight | El Cairo 678 [Spain] |
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Feature
Running time : 110 (in minutes)

"678" reveals revealing a raw side of Egypt that the world has barely seen. The film unfolds the poignant story of three women and their search for justice from the daily plight of sexual harassment in Egypt. When one of the women resorts to stabbing harassers in the groin, she becomes a phantasmal hero that causes a nationwide stir.

When director Mohamed Diab decided to bring the taboo subject of sexual harassment in Egypt out into the open, his filmwas hit with lawsuits claiming he shamed the nation. In reality, Cairo 678 describes a fairly common problem in termsthat are at once enlightening and emotionally involving, spiced with touches of humor. Fed up with being the passive victimsof men, three women from different social classes take matters into their own hands and launch a revenge campaign thatmakes headlines. It all begins with Fayza (played by actress and singer Bushra), a working class lady wearing a head scarfand baggy clothes, who is traumatized on the bus she has to take to work because of the men who surreptitiously grope her.This daily humiliation reaches a boiling point and, arming herself with a long pin, she begins retaliate. She finds solidarityat a self-defense class where she meets the upper-class Seba and Nelly, a young actress who has been sexually assaultedon the street and who bravely files Egypt's first lawsuit against sexual harassment. Their relationships to their husbands,fiancés, family and a well-seasoned police detective makes for a rich and rewarding film that allows the audience to makeits own judgments about the issues.

EGYPT, 2010

Director: Mohamed Diab
Producers: Dollar Film, New Century Production
Sales: Fortissimo Films
Print source: Fortissimo Films
Scenario: Mohamed Diab
Photography: Ahmed Gabr
Editor: Amr Salah El Din
Sound design: Ahmed Gaber
Music : Hani Adel
Length: 100'

Showing on 6/16/2011 21.30

Nelly Karim
Nahed El Sebai
Maged El Kedwany
Ahmed El Fishawy (Ahmed El Feshawy)
Bassem Samra,
Omar El Saeed
Sadwan Badr


2011 - 40th IFFR, Rotterdam, Holland
* Bright Future
SCREENINGS: Pathé 3 - Wed 02 Feb - 20:00


Quando il regista Mohamad Diab ha deciso di portare allo scoperto il tema tabù delle molestie sessuali in Egitto, il suofilm è stato denunciato per aver disonorato la nazione. In realtà, Cairo 678 descrive un problema piuttosto comune, contoni istruttivi ed emozionanti e tocchi umoristici. Stanche di essere vittime passive degli uomini, tre donne di diverse classisociali prendono in mano la situazione e si lanciano in una campagna di vendetta che fa notizia. Tutto inizia quando Fayza(l'attrice e cantante Bushra), operaia che indossa il velo e abiti larghi, resta traumatizzata quando viene palpata da vari uominisull'autobus che prende per andare a lavoro. L'umiliazione quotidiana arriva al culmine: la donna si arma di uno spillone ereagisce. Trova solidarietà in un corso di autodifesa nel quale incontra l'alto-borghese Seba e Nelly, giovane attrice che hasubito una violenza sessuale per strada, e che ha coraggiosamente scritto la prima denuncia per molestie sessuali in Egitto.Le loro relazioni con mariti, fidanzati, famiglie e anziani poliziotti danno vita a un film ricco e pregevole, che spinge il pubblicoa dare un suo giudizio sui temi narrati.

Regia: Mohamed Diab
Nazione: Egypt
Produzione: Dollar Film, New Century Production



٦٧٨ يدور حول ظاهره التحرش الجنسي في الوطن العربي. في محاوله لمناقشه القضية من كل اوجهها الاجتماعيه و الاقتصاديه و الجنسيه



Basada en la historia real de tres mujeres que se proponen defenderse del acoso sexual dominante en Egipto. Cuando una de ellas clava un cuchillo en la ingle de uno de sus acosadores, se convierte en una heroína fantasmal que causa un gran revuelo en todo el país.

DIRECTOR: Mohamed Diab
GUIÓN: Mohamed Diab
MÚSICA: Hani Adel

Boshra, Nelly Karim, Maged El Kedwany, Nahed El Sebaï, Bassem Samra, Ahmed El Feshawy, Omar El Saeed, Sawsan Badr, Yara Goubran, Ibrahim Salah

AÑO: 2010
DURACIÓN: 100 min.
GÉNERO: Drama | Basado en hechos reales

PRODUCTORA: New Century Productions
WEB OFICIAL: http://www.facebook.com/pages/678-The-Movie-fylm-678/159238024107172?ref=ts


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Cairo 678 - فيلم 678‎



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