SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Les Deux Écrans

Release date : Thursday 01 march 1979
Genre : Journal

Book ISBN number : 0259-0832
DEWEY code : Arts and leisure

Year : 1979
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Literature, Media

"Les Deux Ecrans" is a monthly film and television magazine published by Radio Télévison Algérien, between 1978 and 1983. Published in French and Arabic, "Les 2 Écrans" is the first Algerian cinema magazine. It is a place for debate, reflection, promotion of Algerian cinema and television.

Publication Director: Abderrahmane Laghouati
Editor in Chief: Abdou B.
Editorial Board: Mouny Berrah, Azzedine Mabrouki, Ahmed Bedjaoui, Merzak Meneceur, Reda Bensmaia, Kamel M. Boudjemline, Farouk Beloufa, Yazid Khodja, Boudjemaa Kareche, Mireille Djaider, Djamel Eddine Merdaci, Rekaia Amara, Hachemi Cherif, Benhedouga A.
Collaborators abroad: Guy Hennebelle, Ignacio Ramonet.

Title: The Two Screens
Subtitle: Monthly review of cinema and television
ISSN: 0259-0832
Publisher: Algiers: Algerian television broadcasting
Date: 1978 - 1983
Country: Algeria
Languages: Arabic, French
Presentation :
Frequency: Monthly



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  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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