SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Zanele Muholi

Zanele Muholi
Film director, Photographer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Photo

Zanele Muholi was born in Umlazi, Durban, in 1972. She completed an Advanced Photography course at the Market Photo Workshop in Newtown and held her first solo exhibition at the Johannesburg Art Gallery in 2004.
She has worked as a community relations officer for the Forum for the Empowerment of Women (FEW), a black lesbian organisation based in Gauteng, and as a photographer and reporter for Behind the Mask, an online magazine on lesbian and gay issues in Africa. Her work represents the black female body in a frank yet intimate way that challenges the history of the portrayal of black women's bodies in documentary photography. Her solo exhibition Only half the picture, which showed at Michael Stevenson in March 2006, travelled to the Market Photo Workshop in Johannesburg and the Afrovibes Festival in Amsterdam.
In 2008 she had a solo show at Le Case d'Arte, Milan, and in 2009 she exhibited alongside Lucy Azubuike at the CCA Lagos, Nigeria.
She was the recipient of the 2005 Tollman Award for the Visual Arts, the first BHP Billiton/Wits University Visual Arts Fellowship in 2006, and was the 2009 Ida Ely Rubin Artist-in-Residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
In 2009 Zanele Muholi won the Casa Africa award for best female photographer and a Fondation Blachère award at Les Rencontres de Bamako biennial of African photography (2009). She also received a Fanny Ann Eddy accolade from IRN-Africa for her outstanding contributions in the study of sexuality in Africa, at the Genders & Sexualities in Africa Conference held in Syracuse, New York.
She co-directed with Peter Goldsmid DIFFICULT LOVE (2010, documentary, 48 min) about her work as photographer and "visual activist" focusing on themes such as homosexuality, HIV/AIDS, hate crime, violence against women and eroticism.


Zanele Muholi är fotograf och aktivist och arbetar främst med teman som rör homosexualitet, HIV/Aids, hatbrott, våld mot kvinnor och erotik. Peter Goldsmid är producent, manusförfattare och regissör inom tv och teater. Han började sin professionella karriär som klippare och har lång erfarenhet av att arbeta med hela processen, från idé till färdig film. Idag skriver han manus bland annat för det sydafrikanska tv-bolaget SABC.



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  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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