SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ton van Zantvoort

Ton van Zantvoort
© Journeyman Pictures
Film director, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Director, cinematographer, writer.
Ton van Zantvoort is a Dutch film director and documentary filmmaker of international awarded short films and documentaries.In 2005 he was in South America for 5 months to make a triptych of films.'Grito de Piedra' the longest of the three, had its world premiere on IDFA 2006. In that same year he was also nominated for the NFTVM award: the award for best new Dutch filmmaker. In 2009 his second long film'A Blooming Business' screened on more than 30 important international film festivals and won awards such as the Dok Leipzig HWF Award.

"I am not a journalist. I am a filmmaker. My films are about true people, and their believes, struggles and dreams in life. Filmmaking for me, is like writing a poem, only with images and sound. For me this film is a poetic story about the complexity of our human existence and the globalizing world we are living in".-
Director- Ton van Zantvoort.


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  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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