SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Kenneth Nkosi

Kenneth Nkosi
© Courtesy of CinemAfrica 2011, Stockholm
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Dance

Kenneth Nkosi is one of South Africa's most famous actors and most popular TV presenters and has an enormous screen presence.
Educated at the Market Theatre Laboratory in Johannesburg, he has been part of South African as well as international theatre productions (among them the play The Blacks, which was staged in Stockholm in a collaboration between the Market Theatre and Stockholms Stadsteater).

He has played leading roles in popular TV-series like The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, and is also known as the host of TV-shows like Total Soccer and Siyaya 2010 about the preparations for the Soccer World Cup and the comedy series KENNY MAKENZO, his own hilarious TV show.
Nkosi also has a successful career as screen actor in films like District 9 (Neill Blomkamp), Jerusalema (Ralph Ziman), Max and Mona (Teddy Mattera), as "Aap" - one of the gang in Gavin Hood's much acclaimed film Tsotsi, and White Wedding (Jann Turner) - a role that won him the award for best male actor at the South African Film and TV Awards. Nkosi is a co-owner, together with Rapulana Seiphemo and Jann Turner, of the production company Stepping Stone Pictures that made White Wedding (South Africa's official submission for the Oscars 2010) and Paradise Stop.
Kenneth is one of the creators of MZANSI and also co-produced the second season of the drama series.


Kenneth Nkosi är en av Sydafrikas mest kända skådespelare. Efter avslutad teaterutbildning vid Market Theatre Laboratory i Johannesburg har han spelat i teateruppsättningar i Sydafrika och runt om i världen (bl a i Stockholm med pjäsen The Blacks i samarbete med Stockholms Stadsteater).

Nkosi har även spelat ledande roller i populära tv-serier som t ex Damernas detektivbyrå, och är också känd som programledare för tv-shower som Total Soccer och Siyaya 2010 om förberedelserna inför fotbolls-VM och humorprogrammet Kenny Makenzo.

Han har gjort karriär som filmskådespelare i filmer som District 9, Jerusalema, Max and Mona, Tsotsi och White Wedding - en roll för vilken han vann pris för bästa manliga skådespelare vid South African Film and TV Awards. Nkosi driver tillsammans med Rapulana Seiphemo och Jann Turner produktionsbolaget Stepping Stone Pictures som har gjort filmerna White Wedding (Sydafrikas Oscarsbidrag i fjol) och Paradise Stop.

Source: CinemAfrica 2011, Stockholm


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