SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Kamau Wa Ndungu

Kamau Wa Ndungu
© Courtesy of VeronaFilmFest 2010
Film director, Artistic director
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Kamau Wa Ndung'u grew up in Mathare slum in Nairobi. He has worked as an actor and director in theatre for many years. He has worked as a creative director for SAFE for the last five years.

He co-directed with Nick Reding The Dreams of Elibidi (2010), their first film.

SAFE works with the best young Kenyan artists producing theatre and film to provide education challenging stigma and discrimination with a message of compassion solidarity and hope. SAFE works in three locations, Safe Pwani works all over coast province, Safe Ghetto who devised this film are from the Nairobi slums, and Safe Maa works with the Maasai in the Loita Hills using traditional Maasai singing and storytelling to pass messages on HIV and female circumcision.


Kamau wa Ndung'u växte upp i slummen i Mathare (Nairobi). Han har arbetat som skådespelare och teaterregissör i flera år och har under de senaste fem åren varit konstnärlig ledare för SAFE.

Source: CinemAfrica 2011, Stockholm

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