SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ibra'son Kololo

Ibra'son Kololo
Singer, Musician, Song writer/composer, Creator of jewels
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv, Dance, Fashion, Design

Serge Landry said Kololo IBRA'SON is native Congolese from Brazzaville. Among the artists of the new generation that gives the best of themselves, to assert themselves in the space of Congolese music, his name is well positioned...

Ibra'son, is an artist with an unusual travels. He is a jeweler
- Author - Composer - actor Very young, he began the trade of jewelry, which becomes a tool for him survives. Passionate about music, singing Ibra'son since 1997. He joined the choir "We are Family" in 2001.

In 2003, the desire to practice art in his soul, his body and mind, it grows together with some musician friends to develop a musical project called N'KOTA, meaning Kongo language: Trail or trail that leads towards a goal. Leader and principal founder of the group N'KOTA, Ibra'son has ambitions for a decisive success in the artistic field and see the group through all the music scenes in the world. To this end, Ibra'son has launched to meet the international professional musicians as: Koffi Olomide, LOKUA KANZA Jean GOUBALD DRC, ZAO, Jacques Loubelo Rido Bayonne and of Congo Brazzaville and many others.

With N'KOTA, he won two consecutive "Tam-tam gold 3rd and 4th edition 2007 & 2008" Brazzaville released two albums: "TOBE" and "I will not LABAS" comprised several film music: "the dawn of hope"-directed by Saving Love, produced by cin7art - "Positive Living (AIDS)" produced by Alain Nkodia - "Dako is bandeko" - directed by Nadege Batou and Alain Nkodia produced by clap-congo "mothers-heads" directed by Claudia-Aidara, produced by clap-congo - "Life for life" - directed by Fortune Bateza produced by mediafrique-communication, which Ibra'son also held the role of a DJ on the decks of a nightclub..
For 7 years the group N'KOTA occurs in many festivals and
cultural events such as (selection): FESPAM - tuSeo, Dji Dji
Usangou and more. Since then, this beautiful and wonderful adventure ended.
Ibra'son, true to his ambitions and determined to pursue his
dream of art, done this road alone to conquer the stages of both national and global with his new band IBRA'SON Kololo.

He has his own style, and we share the product of a music search, a subtle blend skillfully executed traditional rhythmic modern multi-sounding.

He practices include: rumba, jazz, zouk, afro-jazz... a real mix of rhythms and melodies that surround texts written in dialects Kongo, Lingala, Lari, Mbochi, Teke, sometimes with trips to French, English and Bambara.

His lyrics describe scenes of African life in its realities of conflict; stigmatization of people living with HIV challenge on youth who died, speak of love, affection mother, poverty, tolerance and peace. The cry of a young fighter and optimistic.


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