SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Hatem Ali

Hatem Ali
Film director, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Biografia del Regista
Hatem Ali nasce nel 1962. Studia teatro e pubblica due antologie di racconti e una di testi teatrali. Insegna recitazione presso la Damascus Higher Institute of Drama e supervisiona i progetti di diploma dei suoi studenti. Scrive diverse sceneggiature per il grande e piccolo schermo e cura la regia di altrettante serie televisive di successo come "Az-Zir Salem", "The Triplett of Andalucía" (Thoulathiat Al Andalus), "Saladin" (Salahuddine), "The Palestinian Displacement" (At-taghriba Al Philistinia), e "King Farouq" (Al Malek Farouq). Nel 2007, Hatem Ali dirige "Shaghaf", un cortometraggio prodotto dal Syrian General Establishment of Cinema. Poi, nel 2009, il suo secondo lungometraggio, Selena, viene distribuito nelle sale.
Il suo primo lungometraggio, AL-Layl Al-Taweel (The Long Night), non riceve una distribuzione immediata, da qui la proiezione in anteprima al Rotterdam Film Festival nel 2009.

Filmografia Regista
2009 Selena
2007 Shaghaf


Hatem Ali was born in 1962; he studied theatre and published two collections of short stories, and a collection of stage plays. Ali taught acting at Damascus Higher Institute of Drama and supervised students' graduation projects. He has written a number of teleplays for TV series and films and directed several TV hit and award-winning series. Among them: "Az-Zir Salem", "The Triplett of Andalucía" (Thoulathiat Al Andalus), "Saladin" (Salahuddine), "The Palestinian Displacement" (At-taghriba Al Philistinia), and "King Farouq" (Al Malek Farouq). In 2007, Hatem Ali directed "Passion" (Shaghaf), a short film that was produced by the Syrian General Establishment of Cinema. Then, in 2009, his second feature film Selena underwent theatrical release.
Ali's first feature film The Long Night (AL-Layl Al-Taweel) was not immediately screened, hence the opening at the Rotterdam Film Festival 2009.

Director Filmograpy
2009 Selena
2007 Shaghaf


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5 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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