Doctor in Sociology, Anthropologist & Filmmaker, Director of Research at the CNRS (Paris, France). Fieldwork in West Africa, in France, and since 1974, in Greece (Epirus). Directed collective books and published articles related to field work.
Has created and directed the SFAV (French Association for Visual Anthropology) since 1985. Created and organized (between 1983-1992 International Research Film Seminars "Regards sur les Sociétés Européennes" (Looking at European Societies).
Honor Member of the Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA), Joensuu, 2002.
Lecturer, Ethnology Department, University of Nanterre - Paris 10, since 1995.
Member of the Film Selection Committees for the Festivals of Göttingen (1993-1996) and Nuoro (1988 - 2000).
She has directed and acheved nine films :
1. Albertine & Dorcas
2. Le Brouck (The Fenland) *
3. Every Day is not a Feast Day *
4. Thread of the Needle *
5. My Family and Me *
6. Let's Get Married?!
7. Charcoal-Makers *
8. A Hard Life *
9. Dead Presumed Missing ?
* These films can be screened at the National Library of France (BNF) in Paris, site François Mitterrand.