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Chema BEN CHAABENE was born in Tunis in 1974 and has been working as a lawyer since 2005. A Member of the International relations law research departement for international relations, markets and negociation law (DRIMAN), Chema is also a researcher at Tunis and Toulouse universities. She graduated from the Law University of Tunis, holds a Master degree of the Law University of Aix-Marseille. Chema wrote several research articles on contract law. An actress and a writer, she is the author of two theater plays - "Accusés d'innocence" and "Les Nuits Blanches". For the second one, she received the award of the Best young feminine actress (Theater festival of Carthage). She also wrote the scenario of "L'opposant", a documentary by Anis LASSOUED. She is General delegate of the Maghreb Film Festival of Nabeul and the Secretary general of the Nabeul cinema association. Auteur: GPF (Global Progressive Forum) Source: GPF Posted on 16/08/2011 Thème: Listening to the Progressive Mediterranean
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