SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Moindre Geste (Le)

© DR
Genre : Production, Associate production
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Francesca Duca, productrice / Alaa Eddine Aljem, Producteur 214 Bd. Ibnou Sina Hay El Hana
20210 Casablanca
Contact by email

Le Moindre Geste Ltd., is an independent film production company based in Casablanca and founded by Francesca Duca and Alaa Eddine Aljem in January 2012.

Le Moindre Geste opens the doors to offer young authors a real context of coaching, mentoring and development of their projects while leaving them all the freedom to make their own film.

The editorial line of Le Moindre Geste is focused on art films. There are no imposed themes or subjects but a common denominator: start from the personal to reach the universal.

A chance to explore places, people, stories and feelings.


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

With the support of