SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Creative Storm

Genre : Production, Communication agency
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Literature, Media
Senchi Street (Near DSTV) Airport Residential Area
Tel. : +233301032620 | +233267778926
Contact by email

Creative Storm are leading communicators for social development in Ghana with a strong reputation for making high quality, critically acclaimed documentaries, staging high profile events and streaming highly effective social marketing campaigns. 

Creative Storm brings a wealth of experience in designing and implementing mass media campaigns in Ghana. Our team has extensive experience working across the range of media platforms and known for its innovative campaign methods and approaches. As a ‘one stop' media production company, Creative Storm produces all the publicity outputs for its marketing campaigns, bringing consistency and a strong visual identity to its messages. Our team combines this campaign experience with in - depth, expert knowledge on marketing campaigns Ghana. 

Creative Storm specializes in multiple areas in the Ghana Communications sector, such as consumer educational, social marketing and brand campaigns; developing campaigns addressing social development issues such as medical, educational, health and energy services; conceiving and managing community, social and consumer education campaigns. We work with both the private and public sectors in Ghana and international organizations.

Source - Creative Storm  


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

With the support of