SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

1st German-Cameroonian co-production meeting

Genre : Calls for papers
Contact details Marc-André Schmachtel (Volontär / Assistant) GOETHE-INSTITUT KAMERUN Quartier Bastos. B.P. 1067, Yaoundé, République du Cameroun Tel: +237 22 21 44 09 - Fax: +237 22 21 44 19
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : April 2009
Published on : 04/05/2009
Contact by email

The Goethe-Institut, in cooperation with the German documentary association AG Dok, is organizing the first German-Cameroonian co-production meeting. It will take place during the festival Ecrans Noirs and focus on the different aspects of documentary co-production. The meeting will be held as a workshop lasting two days (2-3 June 09) at the Goethe-Institut Yaoundé. Number of participants will be limited to five projects/participants. You will find detailed information in the attachment, as well as the inscription form (to be sent back to Goethe-Institut), but as well on our homepage, www.goethe.de/kamerun. The dead-line for enrolling is May 15th. Round-tables and discussions with German professionals will also be part of the program.

A bientôt, see you soon,

Marc-André Schmachtel

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