SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Comedy knights

Genre : Band
Principal country concerned : Column : Poetry / story telling, Comic strip
Tel. : +250783447755 | +250788675792
Contact by email

Comedy knights was created in 2010 by a group of Rwandan youth with intentions to bring up humour to those people who really need it more especially to reduce stress due to heavy loads of work and other issues that people face throughout the week, boredom and cheer up people.
The group recognised that to achieve the desired transformation, there was need for an accessible venue for the performance and they chose Ishyo Arts centre to become their venue simply because it is accessible.
The comedy knights are open to work with any companies or institutions.

Currently the crew boasts over 10 comedians.
The crew is currently teaming up with Uganda's comedy stars under Kings of comedy to gain more experience to compete on the international level.


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

With the support of