SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

This Way Up

  • Jardin de Jad (Le)
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2007
Format : Feature
Running time : 60 (in minutes)

A group of senior citizens living in Israel's West Bank learn to live with the everyday changes, restrictions, disappointments, and surprises created when Israel builds the Wall of Separation just meters from their front door.

2007, 35mm, colour, 60'
Vers: Arabic - Sub: Eng

Director: Georgi Lazarevski
Screenplay: Georgi Lazarevski
Cinematography: Georgi Lazarevski
Editing: Fabrice Salinié
Music: Stéphane Scott
Sound: Christian Sonderegger

Arturo Mio
(Paris, T +33 140402658; sroussel@arturomio.com; www.arturomio.com)

Arte France
(Issy-les-Moulineaux, T +33 155007777; www.artefrance.fr)

Andana Films
(Lussas, T +33 475943467; F +33 475942509; sriguet@andanafilms.com; www.andanafilms.com)

Prizes and selections: Krakow Film Festival 2008 (Don Quixote Award), Flahertiana Film Festival 2008 (Big Golden Nanook Award), Human Rights Watch International Film Festival 2008, SilverDocs: AFI/Discovery Channel Documentary Festival 2008, Seattle International Film Festival 2008, International Documentary Festival Amsterdam 2008, Tetouan International Mediterranean Film Festival 2009 (Grand Prix of the City of Tetouan: Documentary), Asterfest Film Festival 2009 (Golden Horseshoe Award), MedFilm Festival Rome (Le Regard des Autres)


Il muro di Gerusalemme Est è in costruzione a due passi da un ospizio. Un gruppo di anziani diventa testimone ironico di una frontiera impossibile. Tra restrizioni e assurde proibizioni, queste persone sono costrette ad convivere con continui cambiamenti.

Regia: Georgi Lazarevski
2007, 35mm, colour, 60'
Vers: Arabo - Sub: Ing


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  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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