SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Taafe Fanga (Skirt Power)

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1997
Format : Feature
Running time : 95 (in minutes)

Taafe Fanga, del regista maliano Adama Drabo è la rielaborazione moderna di un mito antico dell'epoca Dogon e dimostrazione che un bisogno di emancipazione femminile fu sentito autonomamente dalle donne dell'africa orientale ben prima di venire colonizzate dai francesi.

Mali, 1997, 100 min., 35mm, francese sottotitoli in italiano


The distincly clear notes from the Cora of the famed griot Diabaté entice us to the Bandiagara cliff, in the past of the famous Dogon people. At Yanda, the numinous mask Albarga, which is an attribute of the spirits and a symbol of power falls into Yayeme's hands, a young woman and spreads confusion. Women come round to wearing trousers. Is it a curse or a divine retribution? Will the newly established order weather all these contradictions ?

Originally written by Drabo for the theater, this beautifully photographed comic tale about sexual politics was partly inspired by Dogon mythology. A traditionally robed griot arrives at a contemporary compound, turns off the TV, and begins an old story about a disgruntled wife who steals a powerful ritual mask with which she forces the men of her village to take over women's roles and work. Drawing modernday lessons from this sundrenched cathartic farce about gender-bending, the griot links Mali's past, present and future.

Adama Drabo, Mali, 1997; 95 minutes


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  • Ghana : Media Line

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