SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

MY VOTE IS MY SECRET South African Chronicles, 1994

  • MY VOTE IS MY SECRET Chroniques Sud-Africaines, 1994
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1995
Format : Feature
Running time : 95 (in minutes)

1991: Nelson Mandela is released, and apartheid is abolished. On April 27th, the first free elections for all South Africans are organised. Three filmmakers follow this amazing event in ex-Bophutatswana, inside a hostel which is an Inkhata party base, in a garment factory where black and half-caste women work together, in a small country school for black farm laborers' children, and at the sides of young Fodo, the ANC's unequivocal spokesman in Kagiso Township. A privileged look at the intense emotion raised by this historical vote.

Director: J. Henderson &
T. Mokoena & D. Rundle

Length: 59' & 95'
Country of origin: France
Year of production: 1995
Production: JBA Production / Direct Cinema / Workshop / La Sept Arte / Périphérie Production
Original version: English & Afrikaans
Version(s) available : Sous-titrée française
English subtitled


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

With the support of