SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Indépendance ("Angola-Sur les rails de l'indépendance")

  • Indépendance (Angola-Sur les rails de l'indépendance)
Genre : Historical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2015
Format : Feature
Running time : 110 (in minutes)

"Independência" starts from memories of the colonial situation in Angola, reveals the initial steps of the liberation struggle and covers some of its main scenarios.

On November 11, 1975 Angola proclaimed independence, 14 years after the beginning of the armed struggle against Portuguese colonial rule. Salazar's regime refused any negotiation with the independence activists, who were left in hiding, imprisonment or exile. When almost all of Africa celebrated the end of colonial empires, Angola and the other Portuguese colonies followed a very different fate. Only after the military coup of April 25, 1974 overthrew the regime, did Portugal recognize the right of the peoples of the colonies to self-determination.

The years of struggle evoked in "Independence" determined the course of Angola after 1975. Political options, internal conflicts and international alliances began to take shape during the anti-colonial struggle. The main organizations (FNLA and MPLA and, later, UNITA) never made a common front and their contradictions were magnified by the context of the Cold War. Independence was already proclaimed in a climate of war, but with a lot of emotion and pride, as told in the film.

a film by Fradique (Mário Bastos)

ANGOLA | 2015, DOCUMENTARY | 1h45m

Original title (Portuguese): INDEPENDÊNCIA

Production: Paulo Lara & Jorge Cohen

Director: Fradique (Mário Bastos)

Historical Advisor: Conceição Neto

Director of Photography: Kamy Lara


* Best Documentary | CAMIF - Cameroon International Film Festival 2016 (Cameroon)
* Official Selection | Pan African Film Festival (Los Angeles, United States)
* Official Selection | Durban Festival 2016 (South Africa)
* Official Selection | 2015 Luxor African Film Festival (Egypt)
* Angola National Culture Award 2015 (Angola)


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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