SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Football Rwanda: Fields of Memories

Genre : Historical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society
Year of production : 2013
Format : Feature
Running time : 85 (in minutes)

Twenty years after the genocide, Eugene Murangwa the former goalkeeper of the National Football Team of Rwanda returns to his native country.

In association with former teammates who sheltered him during the 1994 genocide, Eugene created a football academy in Kigali. His involvement with the youth is prompted by his commitment to rebuild the bonds that were severed by decades of hatred.

At the image of Rwandan society, Eugene seeks to rethink the future by traversing the past. He undertakes a journey to meet survivors and former football players and hence confront the history of football that always entertained close ties with the colonial past of the country and the tragedy it underwent.

Confronted with history, and, for the first time, to the ceremonies commemorating the genocide, Eugene unveils himself little by little with modesty, aware of the difficulty of the task that awaits him.

"Football Rwanda, fields of memories" unveils the fragmented and "broken" memory of Rwandan football while at the same portraying Rwanda of today.

A film by François-Xavier Destors & Marie Thomas-Penette

Produced by Pierre-Olivier Bardet

A co-production : Idéale Audience & Arte France
With the support of: CNC, SCAM, Mairie de Paris, Ministère des Sports, de la Jeunesse et de la Mémoire du Rwanda

Summary for official catalogues

Vingt ans après le génocide, Eugène Murangwa, l'ancien gardien de but de l'équipe nationale du Rwanda, revient dans son pays natal.
Avec ses anciens coéquipiers qui l'ont protégé en 1994, Eugène s'engage aujourd'hui à retisser les liens rompus. Il entreprend un voyage pour se confronter à l'histoire du football, un sport étroitement lié au passé colonial puis à la tragédie de son pays. A l'image du Rwanda, Eugène cherche réparation en traversant le passé pour repenser l'avenir.


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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