SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Dawn of the world

  • Aube du monde (L')
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Feature
Running time : 96 (in minutes)

Survivor of the Gulf War, Riad is an Iraqi soldier who takes refuge in the swamps of the Tigris and the Euphrates, where dreams of starting a new life beside Zahra, the young widow of a comrade killed in battle. In this completely foreign environment that is hostile to this newcomer, and as a new conflict is on the verge of inflaming the whole area, Riad will do the impossible to find his place.

2008, 35mm, colour, 95'
Version: Arabic - Sub: English

Director: Abbas Fahdel
Screenplay: Abbas Fahdel
Cinematography: Gilles Porte
Editing: Sylvie Gadmer
Music: Jürgen Knieper
Sound: Emmanuel Zouki
Cast: Karim Saleh, Hafsia Herzi, Hiam Abbass, Sayed Ragab, Waleed Abou El Magd, Mahmoud Nagui, Mohamed Ali Keshta, Nabil El Deeb

ADR Productions
(Paris, T +33 143143434; F +33 143143430; adr@adr-productions.fr; www.adr-productions.fr)
27 Films Production
(Berlin, T +49 3085711660; F +49 3084711690; info@27films.biz; www.27films.biz)

Canal +
(Boulogne-Billancourt, T +33 171758628; F +33 171759397; www.canal-plus.com)
Orient Productions

Rézo Films
(Paris, T +33 142464630; F +33 142464082; sebastien.chesneau@rezofilms.com; www.rezofilms.com)

Prizes and selections:
Pusan International Film Festival 2008 (Official Selection), Vesoul Asian Film Festival 2009 (Audience Award, Netpac Award), Paris Rendez-vous with French Cinema 2009 (Press Junket Films), Gulf Film Festival 2009 (Grand Prix), International Auteur Cinema Film Festival Rabat 2009 (Jury Award), MedFilm Festival, Roma/Italy, 2009 (Le Regard des Autres)


Reduce della guerra del Golfo, Riad è un soldato iracheno che si rifugia nella regione delle paludi del Tigri e l'Eufrate. È qui che sogna di iniziare una nuova vita accanto a Zahra, giovane vedova di un compagno ucciso in guerra. Ma questo ambiente del tutto estraneo, ostile e complicato, con un nuovo conflitto alle porte, renderà la sua vita molto difficile.

2008, 35mm, colour, 95'
Vers: Arabo - Sub: Inglese

Regia: Abbas Fahdel
Sceneggiatura: Abbas Fahdel
Fotografia: Gilles Porte
Montaggio: Sylvie Gadmer
Musiche: Jürgen Knieper
Suono: Emmanuel Zouki
Cast: Karim Saleh, Hafsia Herzi, Hiam Abbass, Sayed Ragab, Waleed Abou El Magd, Mahmoud Nagui, Mohamed Ali Keshta, Nabil El Deeb

ADR Productions (Paris)
27 Films Production (Berlin)

Canal + (Boulogne-Billancourt)
Orient Productions

Distribuzione: Rézo Films (Paris)

Premi e selezioni:
Pusan International Film Festival 2008 (Official Selection), Vesoul Asian Film Festival 2009 (Audience Award, Netpac Award), Paris Rendez-vous with French Cinema 2009 (Press Junket Films), Gulf Film Festival 2009 (Grand Prix), International Auteur Cinema Film Festival Rabat 2009 (Jury Award), MedFilm Festival, Roma/Italy, 2009 (Le Regard des Autres)


3 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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