SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Cry No More

  • Yeux secs (Les)
Type : Fiction
Original title : Al ouyoune al jaffa
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2003
Format : Feature
Running time : 116 (in minutes)

Mina is a Berber woman left to rot in prison for 25 years. Once she left, she returned to the country, accompanied by a young bus driver. Find the daughter Hala, who became the head of the community of women dedicated to prostitution to survive. That said tough laws: not allow children to a future in a community marked by shame. But perhaps the most life offers glimpses of hope. MOROCCO, FRANCE 2002, 35mm, colour, 120' Version: Arabic, Berber - Sub: Eng Director: Narjiss Nejjar Screenplay: Narjiss Nejjar Cinematography: Denis Gravouil Editing: Emmanuelle Pencalet Music: Guy-Roger Duvert Sound: Laurent Benaïm Cast: Siham Assif, Khalid Benchagra, Raouia, Rafika Belhaj Production: JBILA Méditerranée Productions (Rabat, T +212 07758259) Terre Sud Films (Paris, T +33 142490552; narjissnejjar@yahoo.fr; terresudfilms@yahoo.fr) Co-Production: 2M Soread (Casablanca, T +212 22667409; e.moussa@tv2m.co.ma) Distribution: Terre Sud Films Prizes and selections: Festival de Cannes 2003 (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs), Marrakech International Film Festival 2003 (Best Screenplay), Toronto International Film Festival 2003 (Planet Africa), Namur International French-language Film Festival 2003 (Golden Bayard for Best Screenplay), Festival National du Film Marocain 2003 (Prix de la Première oeuvre; Prix d'Interprétation feminine: Fatima Harrandi; Prix de costumes), Paris Film Festival 2004 (Francophonia Award) ______________________ Dopo 25 anni passati a marcire in prigione, Mina ritorna al proprio paese d'origine, Tizi. Un villaggio berbero circondato da alte montagne e abitato da sole donne. Ad accompagnarla c'è un giovane autista di autobus. Giunta a casa, Mina ritrova la figlia Hala, diventata il capo della comunità. È lei ad imporre leggi e severe regole. Tra queste, niente figli per non consentire un futuro a una comunità segnata dalla vergogna. Perché queste donne per sopravvivere sono dedite alla prostituzione. Ma forse la vita offre qualche spiraglio di speranza, per ritrovare il candore e la purezza smarriti. Regia: Narjiss Nejjar MOROCCO, FRANCE 2002, 35mm, colour, 120' Vers: Arabo, Berbero - Sub: Ing


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