SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Writivism Workshop - Dar es Salaam

Genre : Workshop | Dar es Salaam

From friday 23 to sunday 25 january 2015

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Literature, Poetry / story telling

The Writivism workshop in Dar es Salaam will be held from 23 - 25th January 2015 facilitated by Ayeta Anne Wangusa and Zukiswa Wanner at Cdea ' s Arts Space, Mikocheni B. The workshop will involve participants from Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.

The Dar es Salaam workshop is part of a wider movement to promote writing and reading in Africa. The three-day non-residential workshops will be conducted in Lagos, Gaborone, Kampala, Dar es Salaam and Johannesburg this January .

The workshops will include daily two-hour master classes on fiction writing, group sessions of critiquing of draft stories and private time for participants to re-write their stories. Participants who produce high quality work in the workshops and show commitment to their writing shall be assigned mentors at the end of the workshop. They shall work on two flash fiction stories to be published in newspapers and online and a short story for submission to the Writivism African Short Story Prize under the guidance of the mentors. They shall also be required to review assigned work by the mentors and also apply to various writing opportunities on recommendation by the mentor.

Information / Venue

Dar es Salaam


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

With the support of