"And here I am, motionless, complicit and cowardly. I'm ashamed, ashamed... Leave for Aurès! To write ? Die ? Kill ? Go to Cairo? Testify in Algiers? Act in Paris? May the Man in me be for my Algerian Homeland! […] What to do ? And how can we give Arab Algerians who reject us outright (in 99% of cases) proof that we feel like Algerians, their equals? Only death... - true sacrifices perhaps... Write, but what? I am between two fires, two truths, one to say, the other to keep quiet. And that is the only truth that is needed. »
Since his assassination on August 30, 1973, Jean Sénac has continued to impose his voice as a visionary poet, who paid with his life for the courage of his positions and his desire for truth. He had chosen the independence party, in an Algeria where, like Camus who was his friend, he was born. After the publication of his complete poetic works and his biography by Bernard Mazo, the discovery of his secret notebooks, which are full of intimate notations and political questions, poems and reflections on artistic creation and on society, on the love, homosexuality and friendship gives this extraordinary personality a moving image that brings him closer to his brothers in poetry Constantin Cavafis, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Federico García Lorca, René Char.
Of Jean Sénac (1926-1973) Le Seuil published the biography by Bernard Mazo and poems, Pour une terre possible, in the "Points Poésie" collection. Guy Dugas, head of the Sénac Archives, is responsible for publishing these found notebooks.