SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sana Jaziri

  • Sana Jaziri
© courtesy FICAK 2024, Khouribga | Africiné Mag
Film director, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Tunisian film director, screenwriter, script supervisor and academic.

Sana JAZIRI is a director, screenwriter, script supervisor and academic.
She is known for her shorts dramas "Nice people" (2008), "La Brouette" (2014).

Young Tunisian filmmaker passionate about art from an early age. She left Tunisia in 2005 to pursue higher studies in cinema in Paris. In 2018, she had her Doctoral thesis in Arts and Sciences of Art (Mention cinema) at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne: "The question of identity in Tunisian cinema: representations and issues" (under the direction of Daniel Serceau). At the same time, she directed the short film "Nice people" and the documentary "Techniques du massage oriental".
Following her participation in Meditalents in 2012, she directed her first professional short film "La Brouette" (2014) which she developed there, a prequel to her feature film project "Lina". The film has been selected and awarded at several festivals.
Since then she has worked as a script and assistant on films in Tunisia, Morocco, France and Hong Kong. She lived in Hong Kong where she worked as a screenwriter and script in Emilie Guillot's film "A Typhoon Is Coming". LA BROUETTE (2014) is his second short film.
In 2021, she won the Prize for the best short film script for "Le poète des aurores", at the 27th edition of the Zoubeida B'chir prize (Tunisia) rewarding Tunisian women for their literary or scientific works, under the aegis du Crédif (Center for Research, Studies, Documentation and Information on Women).

2022 - La Quarantaine - Hello Forties - الأربعين (CM fiction / Short)
2014 - La Brouette (CM fiction / Short)
2008 - Nice people (CM fiction / Short)

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.instagram.com/sanajaziri13/
- https://festivalkhouribga.org/fr/2024/05/05/la-quarantaine-sana-jaziri/
- www.jcctunisie.org/jcc2022/filmsDetail.php?id_film=104
- http://meditalents.net/sana-jaziri/
- https://femmesetrealites.com.tn/fr/2021/09/01/sous-les-bavettes-les-prix-au-feminin-ont-ete-demasques/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 19 July 2024


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