SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ana Moreira

Ana Moreira
© Courtesy Locarno 2012
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Actress, Portugal

Born in Lisbon [Portugal] in [February 13,] 1980, Ana Moreira's debut was in The Mutants (1998) by Teresa Villaverde, wherefore she won the prize for best actress in the Taormina and Bastia Film Festivals and was one of Berlin's Shooting Stars in the following year.
However, she never attended a school of performing arts. She graduated in general arts and studied graphic design until she decided to work mainly as a cinematic and theatric actress. She has worked with directors such as João Botelho, Margarida Gil, again with Teresa Villaverde in Transe (2006), presented at Cannes's Directors' Fortnight, Jorge Cramez in The Golden Helmet (2007), presented at the Festival del film Locarno and Eugène Green (A Religiosa Portuguesa, 2009). In 2012 she screened in Tabu (2012), by Miguel Gomes, presented at the Berlinale.


Attrice, Portogallo
Nata a Lisbona nel 1980, Ana Moreira ha debuttato in Os Mutantes (1998) di Teresa Villaverde, ottenendo il Premio per la migliore attrice ai Festival di Taormina e Bastia e diventando un'ambita star l'anno successivo a Berlino.
Il suo percorso formativo non è passato attraverso le arti dello spettacolo, ma quelle visive. Diplomata in arte, ha studiato graphic design fino a quando non ha deciso di lavorare come attrice di cinema e teatro. Ha lavorato per registi quali João Botelho, Margarida Gil, ancora Teresa Villaverde in Transe (2006), selezionato alla Quinzaine des Réalisateurs di Cannes, Jorge Cramez in O Capacete Dourado (2007), presentato al Festival del film Locarno, e Eugène Green in A Religiosa Portuguesa (2009). Alla Berlinale 2012 è uscito un altro film nel quale ha recitato, Tabu (2012) di Miguel Gomes.

Source : Locarno 2012


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