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They are apprentice Imams at the Paris Great Mosque.
From now on, they are also required to train in secularity, in conformity to the policy of modernisation of Islam set up by the Public Powers.
Yet, among all universities, only one volunteered to give this training: the Catholic Institute of Paris…
For the first time in the history of the Republic, in addition to the lessons they follow at the Great mosque, our apprentice Imams, are trained to secularity in the Catholic Institute during one year.
A film by Kaouther Ben Hania
France / Documentary / 2010 / 1h15' (and 52 mins: short version) / VO French-Arabic with English subtitles
Length : 52 / 75 minutes
Support : Béta Digital
Languages : Arabic and French
Sous-titres : English, French and Arabic.
Format : 16/9
Islam, Multicuralism, Secularity, Secularism, Catholicism, Republic, France, law, Paris Great Mosque, Catholic Institute of Paris, Media
لأئمة يذهبون للمدرسة" هو فلم وثائقي طويل للمخرجة التونسية كوثر بن هنية
يروي الفلم يوميات طلبة في الشريعة الإسلامية بجامع باريس يلتحقون - نزولا عند رغبة السلط الفرنسية- ببرنامج تدريب خاص لفهم العلمانية و قوانين الجمهورية الفرنسية و ذلك بالمعهد الكاثوليكي بباريس
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