SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Greedy Lords of the Jungle (The)

  • Greedy Lords of the Jungle (The)
© Courtesy of CinemAfrica 2011, Stockholm
Genre : Political
Type : Animation
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Short
Running time : 6 (in minutes)

Not so long ago there was a beautiful country where a man lived. Many wanted to come to the country, but not all of them were good people. Some were greedy and took everything they could from the man. One day he had enough. An allegory for the Europeans' plundering of Africa.

Director: Gatumia Gatumia

2009, Kenya, 8 min


För inte så länge sedan fanns ett vackert land, och där bodde en man. Många ville komma till det vackra landet men inte alla var goda. Somliga var giriga, och tog allt vad de kunde av mannen. En dag fick han nog. En allegori över européernas framfart i Afrika.

Info om filmen:

Regissören: Gatumia Gatumia

2009, Kenya, 8 min

Source: CinemAfrica 2011, Stockholm


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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