SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Des vacances malgré tout

  • Des vacances malgré tout
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title : Un été au pays (52')
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2000
Format : Feature
Running time : 67 (in minutes)

n immigrant in the Paris region since 1964, Kader decided with his family to spend the summer vacations, for the first time in 15 years, in his native village, not far from Algiers. Documentary. 70' and 52' (Un été au pays) Immigrated to the Paris region since 1964, Kader decides to spend the summer vacations with his family in his native village, not far from Algiers. These few weeks so much awaited on both sides constitute a privileged moment rich in strong emotions. The camera follows the family in their encounters, their reunion, their difficulties, their visions of the country and its region, parties, weddings, their return to France... This film raises many questions. Within the family itself, between those who stayed in the country and those who emigrated to France, how do they perceive the situation in Algeria? What hopes do they both have for their country? What about the Franco-Algerian relationship? What about contemporary immigration? What about the Algerians' desire for exile today? Different discourses on both sides of the Mediterranean? The desires of both sides... Context The phenomenon of Algerian immigration to France began in the 19th century and was amplified during the First World War, due to compulsory conscription, and then during the Second War. It resumed between 1950 and 1974, a period of industrialization and importation of manpower. According to the last census in 1990, 67% of Algerian immigrants were skilled workers; 7% work in the tertiary sector, 6% in small trade and crafts, 8% in the business sector. Today, with the events taking place in Algeria, a new Algerian immigration is taking place. That of exiles; executives, doctors, artists, intellectuals... They too do not hesitate to return to the country as soon as possible. The images of Algeria, widespread in France, appear dark. Algerians suffer from this perception which does not correspond to their daily reality. Words from abroad reach them as new dispossessions of identity. They want us to look at them for themselves. They want to extract themselves from hatred. France is out of step with what is happening in Algeria. But there are important groups in France, bearers of an "Algerian memory": black feet, conscripts, French army officers, harkis, emigrants and sons of emigrants, recent Algerian exiles. With the Kabouche Family. Delegated production: Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA), Gerald Collas Author-director: Malek Bensmaïl Assistant & sound: Amar Kabouche Chief editor: Matthieu Bretaud. Mixing: Laurent Thomas. Music: Phil Marboeuf Program managers: Stéphane Willaume and Marc Briones. Broadcasting/Broadcasting: La Cinquième/YLE(Finland)/VRT(Belgium) Awards: Prix du Patrimoine, Cinéma du Réel - Paris Prix Ulysse for best documentary, Montpellier Festival Prix du regard social- Festival Traces de vie-Clermont-Ferrand


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  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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