SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ayeola: la Danse des Couleurs

Ayeola: la Danse des Couleurs
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2014
Format : Short
Running time : 6 (in minutes)

"Ayeola: the Dance of Colors"is the portrait of a Guadeloupean artist and painter who resides in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). More than anything, it is an encounter and an exchange with Ayeola's and
the director humbly. It narrates how sensibilies and astonishment at the changing colors of the sky, led this woman naturally to painting those colors.

A film by Jonathan Drumeaux - Doc. - 06'24 - France - 2014

2015 | 12ème Festival International du Film PanAfricain de Cannes - FIFP 2015, France
* Sélection
* Projection / Screening: Jeudi 30 avril - 21h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 9pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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