Laterit productions will be present with its cultural shop on the Madagascar, Dago Rias stand at Fête de l'Humanité in La Courneuve (near Paris)
Village du Monde, avenue Fatima Bedar, C6
Fête de l'Huma, Parc de la Courneuve, near point de rencontre N°7, next to the stand "Pérou"
from friday, september 13 at noon, to sunday, september 15 at 9pm
for those who are too far, you can find all these artists' productions in our online shop, music, films and books from Madagascar, Africa and the Caribbean
Coming soon, the dvd of An Opera from the Indian Ocean, release in October.
Shipment will start at the beginning of October. By pre-buying, you are making the manufacturing possible and showing your support!
You get a 15% discount (17€ instead of 20€) and a free poster of the film. Presale is still open for 15 days > here.
Best regards,
the Laterit team