SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Miscreants (The)

  • Mécréants (Les)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Feature
Running time : 88 (in minutes)

On the orders of their spiritual leader, three young Islamists kidnap a troupe of young actors. When the extremists arrive at the specified place of detention, they find themselves cut off from their base. The two very different groups are forced to live together for a period of seven days during which any sense of certainty is destroyed on both sides. They may have differing views but could they have something in common as well?

A film by Mohcine Besri

Morocco, Switzerland, 2012, 88 min, Colour, DCP

Starring Jamila El Haouni, Maria Lalouaz, Omar Lotfi, Amine Ennaji, Abdenbi El Benioui, Mostapha El Houari, Aïssam Bouali, Rabii Benjhail

Directed by: Mohcine Besri
Script: Mohcine Besri
Dir. of Photography: Pascal Montjovent
Location Sound Mix: Toufik Mekraz
Music: Philippe Héritier
Designer: Philippe Héritier
Editor: Naïma Bachiri
Rerecording Sound Mix: Gabriel Hafner, François Musy, Renaud Musy
Producer: Mohcine Besri
Production: Akka Films, Fusion Films
Coproduction: Tamawayt Productions
Contakt: Tamawayt Productions


Jamila El Haouni
as Jamila

Lalouaz Maria
as Hind

Omar Lotfi
as Omar

Amine Ennaji
as Amine

Aïssam Bouali
as Anas

Rabii Benjhail
as Rabii

Mostafa El Houari
as Mustapha

Original Version: Arabic (french subtitles), colour, HD Cam, 88 min.

Production: Akka Films, Tamawayt Productions, Fusion Films
Producer: Nicolas Wadimoff, Mohcine Besri, Michel Merkt
Executive Producer: Nicolas Wadimoff

Tamawayt Productions
Imb 17, Avenue Al Abtal, Apt 12, Agda
101 06 Rabat
Tel: +212 661 068 805
E-mail: tamawayt.productions@gmail.com



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Mécréants (Les), de Mohcine Besri



  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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