SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Zinder
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title : Les Graines de la violence (Working Title)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2021
Format : Feature
Running time : 82 (in minutes)

In the city of Zinder, in the heart of the Sahel, young Nigeriens are organising themselves into gangs in the face of a lack of prospects. These groups, called "Palais", come from the Kara Kara neighbourhood, historically home to lepers and outcasts. The filmmaker and activist Aicha Macky, born in Zinder, returns to tell the story of these young people left behind.

Young unemployed people, about to go into exile due to their misery, join gangs whose violence is keeping the city of Zinder in Niger in suspense. Most of them are children of lepers who came to the world away from medical facilities, are not registered anywhere and therefore had no right to education. They were invisible all their lives until they rebelled. The locals call them the "palace boys". They imitate the style of the North American ghetto bosses: fat chains on their necks, T-shirts with pictures of Hollywood stars, faded, turned-up jeans, duck walking... They make a name for themselves through spectacular, sometimes tragic crimes and thus nurture a climate of Anxiety and psychosis in Zinder.

A film by Aïcha MACKY

Niger / France / Germany, 2021, Documentary - 1h 22 mins

Tags: Africa, Human interest
Country: Niger / France / Germany (F, D, NE)
Type: Documentary
Duration: 82 min
Year: 2021

Producer (FR): Clara Vuillermoz
Producer NE: Ousmane Samassekou

Director: Aicha Macky

ScreenWriter: Aicha Macky

Cinematography: Julien Bossé

Sound: Abdoulaye Adamou Mato

Music: Dominique Peter

Editing: Karen Benainous

Les films du Balibari (France)
Tabous Production (Niger)
Corso Film (Germany)
Point du Jour (France)
Andana Films (France)

In coproduction with
- Arte France
- Al Jazeera Documentary

With the support of

With the participation of
Scam - brouillon d'un rêve / Fondation Alter-Ciné / Europe Creative - programme de l'Union européenne / Hot Docs Blue Ice Fund / Sundance Documentary Fund / IDFA Bertha coproduction Fund / World Cinema Fund Africa / Fonds Jeune Création Francophone / Région des Pays de la Loire / Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes / Procirep-Angoa / Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée (CNC), Film- and Medienstiftung NRW

World sales:
Andana Films, France (Stephan Riguet - Grégory Bétend)

Andana Films, France (Stephan Riguet - Grégory Bétend)


2021 | Carthage Film Festival - JCC (Tunis, Tunisie) /// 30 Oct - 6 Nov 2021
* Nominee

2021 | RIFF Reykjavik International Film Festival (Iceland)
* A Different Tomorrow Award

2021 | FESPACO (Ouaga, Burkina Faso) /// July 22 - 1 August 2021
* Nominee
* Three special awards at Fespaco (Burkina Faso) including Best director of West Africa Award by CEDEAO, Woman Peace Ambassador Award by AFD.

2021 | Festival International du Film de Nancy (Nancy, France)
* Mention spéciale du jury

2021 | États généraux du film documentaire (Lussas, France)
* Plein air

2021 | DOK.FEST Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München (Munich, Allemagne)
* DOK.horizonte Competition

2021 | CPH:DOX - Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival (Copenhague, Danemark)
* Selection: Change Makers

2021 | First Look at the Museum of the Moving Image (USA)
* Selection

2021 | MakeDox (Skopje, Macedonia)
* Selection

2021 | Festival cinémas d'Afrique (Lausanne, Switzerland) /
* Selection

2021 | Festival de Douarnenez (France)
* Selection

2021 | Durban International Documentary Festival (South Africa) ///
July 22 - 1 August 2021
* Selection

2021 | Encounters South African International Documentary Festival (South Africa) /// 10-20 juin 2020
* Adiaha Women's Documentary Award

2021 | FIFF - Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur (Namur, Belgique)
* Sélection : FIFF Campus

2021 | Visions du Réel (Nyon, Suisse)
* Compétition Internationale Longs Métrages
* Première Mondiale


6 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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