SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Nahla
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : نهلة
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1979
Format : Feature
Running time : 111 (in minutes)

After the January 1975 battle of Kfarchouba in Lebanon, young Algerian reporter Larbi Nasri is swept into a whirlwind of events that would shape the upcoming civil war. He is linked to singer Nahla, around whom revolve a series of enigmatic characters whose bonds are embittered by frustrations and disillusionments. A film by Farouk Beloufa Algeria, 1979, Feature drama, 110 min, Color, 35 mm (Digital Beta), Arabic with French Subtitles starring Yasmine Khlat, Nabila Zitouni, Lina Tabbara, Youssef Sayeh, Roger Assaf, Fayek Hamissi, Ahmed Mehrez Director: Farouk Beloufa Script: Farouk Beloufa, Rachid Boudjedra, Mouny Berrah Cinematography: Yahiaoui Allel Editing:Moufida Tlatli Sound: Kamel Mekesser Music: Ziad Rahbani Cast: Yasmine Khlat, Nabila Zitouni, Lina Tabbara, Youssef Sayeh, Roger Assaf, Fayek Hamissi Production: R.T.A. (Radio Diffusion Télévision Algérienne) Contacts: Catherine Estrade Aflam Diffusion des cinémas arabes 76 rue Consolat 13001 Marseille 13191 Marseille Cedex 20 - France T: +33 4 91 47 73 94 E: aflamarseille@club-internet.fr W: www.aflam.fr ______________ AR بعد معركة كفرشوبا اللبنانية التي وقعت في كانون الثاني 1975، يؤخذ الصحافي الجزائري الشاب لعربي نصري بدوامة الأحداث التي سبقت وقوع الحرب الأهلية. يرتبط بالمغنية الشابة نهلة، التي تحوم حولها مجموعة شخصيات مريبة سمّمها الكبت Farouk Beloufa | فاروق بلوفه Algeria |الجزائر Source: http://beirutdc.org/index.php/2015-03-05-15-05-40/arab-film-weeks/item/459-nahla


3 files


  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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