SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Time of the Writer

Tel. : +27 (0)31 260 2506
Fax : +27 (0)31 260 3074
Genre : Festival
Principal country concerned : Column : Literature

The Time of the Writer, international writers festival, coordinated annually by the Centre for Creative Arts, University of KwaZulu-Natal, celebrates ten years of bringing together South African, African and international writers in a week-long programme of stimulating literary events. The festival is informed by the overall concept of migrating words, which refers to interpersonal dialogue and intercultural exchange between writers, and between writers and public. The festival format is designed to develop public interest in literature and promote a culture of reading and writing in South Africa. Evening readings and discussions take place at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre, with daily activities at various tertiary institutions, community centres, museums, schools and other venues, including prison.

The complete list of past participants and details of previous festival programmes may be viewed on the C.C.A website

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  • Arterial network
  • Ghana : Media Line

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